To dispel the misleading attention to perfect crystals, in Chapter 4 on defects in solids
we look at different kinds of defects. The definitions for several of the more common
material defects are discussed. It has been found over and over that simple structural
defects such as substitutional and interstitial defects can alter electrical properties and
mass transport via diffusion by orders of magnitude,while at the same time hardly affect
the melting point or the thermal conductivity for a material. Furthermore line defects
are implicated as the main factor in the plastic deformation of crystalline materials.The
notion of grain boundaries as the boundaries in between single crystal grains is also
implicated in the mechanical properties of materials and in electronic properties of poly-
crystalline semiconductors. Thus both the structure and its level of perfection provide a
backdrop from which the behavior and properties of a material are understood, partic-
ularly, electronic materials.
Also in Chapter 4 another fundamental tenet of materials science is introduced and
used liberally in following chapters.This tenet is the Boltzmann distribution from which
both equilibrium thermodynamics and activation energies, or energy barriers, for
processes can be understood. This concept is introduced by considering a simple two
allowed state problem,and assessing how two energetically distinct states separated by a
difference in energy, DE, can be populated. The result is a familiar exponential
term e-DE/kToften referred to as the Boltzmann factor. However, in the field of chemical
kinetics an Arrhenius factor with the same form as the Boltzmann factor is often dis-
cussed in relation to the velocity of chemical reactions, but the Arrhenius factor is often
introduced without adequate discussion about its origin,or at best as an empirical result.
The importance of this idea is such that it is introduced and discussed early in the text.
Furthermore the laws of thermodynamics derive from the average or statistical nature of
atoms or compounds that comprise a material. This statistical notion is crucial toward
the understanding the average properties of a macroscopic piece of a material
that contains a large number of atoms and/or molecules. Such thermodynamics proper-
ties include the phase of the material, the vapor pressure, and decomposition tempera-
ture. On the other hand, quantum mechanics may be required to understand the
properties that depend on the specific interactions of atoms and/or molecules within a
material such as the absorption or emission of light and the electronic and thermal
Ramon A. Carmona C
C.I 17646653
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