domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010



In virtually all solid state reactions and transformation, matter moves; that is, atoms 
and/or molecules are transported to and from the reaction site. Often in the solid state 
that motion is by a random process, and such random processes are termed diffusive 
processes. Early in Chapter 5 on diffusion in solids the form for a variety of diffusion 
equations are compared,and it is observed that seemingly unrelated phenomena are gov- 
erned by equations with the same form,namely there is a flux in response to a force.That 
flux (with units of amount/area · time) can be matter, heat, charge, energy, and so on. 
Even the famous Schroedinger equation of quantum mechanics (see Chapter 9) has the 
form of a diffusion equation.Although only mass diffusion is covered in Chapter 5,heat 
transport, for example, involves the solution of similar equations. 
In the field ofmass diffusion many treatments deal purely with the underlying physics 
that enable random matter transport, while other approaches deal exclusively with the 
mathematics of solving the differential diffusion equations. In Chapter 5 both areas are 
addressed. In addition another fundamental tenet in materials science is introduced, 
namely the random walk problem. While applied strictly to diffusion in this chapter, the 
random walk problem yields insight into how random processes can yield simple under- 
standable results precisely because of the assumed randomness of the system. This is a 
powerful idea that helps hone the intuition of a materials scientist who must often deal 
with seemingly unsolvable problems involving randomness and complexity. In the field 
of electronic materials diffusion plays a central role that includes the transport of 
dopants,other point defects (vacancies and impurities,and electronic carrier diffusion in 
electronic and optical devices.

Ramon A. Carmona C.
C.I 17646653

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